Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Gas Station Bar - Detroit, Michigan (Gay Bar)

The Gas Station was located at 19106 Woodward Ave and 7 Mile Rd in Detroit. It was opened in the mid 70's by Peter Mel who later opened The Backstage Deli, Footlights and Salute. The Gas Station was kind of a dumpy bar which had a bit of a seedy clientele. Unfortunately for me it was my first gay bar. The year was 1985 and I had just bought my first car which finally gave me the freedom to go where I wanted. Growing up in Royal Oak we never went south of 8 Mile Rd. That was "scary" to even think of going into the city of Detroit. We only really went south of 8 Mile once a year on our way to Cedar Point on the freeway. When we were on the freeway I can remember seeing houses with "Jail bars" on the windows, we could not believe that anyone would have to have bars on their windows. This just gives you the context of how scared I was to venture south of 8 Mile. I had heard that the "Fags" where all down around 6-7 Mile and Woodward. So, off I went, driving up and down Woodward Ave looking for anything "Gay". Mind you, this was before the internet and I was a suburban Royal Oak kid who went to a Catholic high school and I did no know a single gay person. I was both terrified and excited at the same time. I saw the Gas Station bar and pulled around back to the parking lot. This was a scary neighborhood back then and still is. I remember seeing white people going into the bar and because this was a black neighborhood I thought this must be a gay bar! But, I was confused; I saw girls going in as well? I did not know about "fag hags" yet. I was terrified of going inside. I came every Friday or Saturday night for about a month and just sat in the parking lot trying to get the courage to go inside. You must remember I was a naive, scared 18 year old kid who had hardly ever been inside of any bar, let alone one south of 8 Mile in such a bad neighborhood. I finally got the guts to up go inside. When I did there was a guy at the door checking ID's, he let me in! The place was decorated in this cheesy gas station style with gas station signs, etc. I bought a Coke at the bar and immediately bolted for the corner up by the dance floor. I think I was shaking I was so scared; but excited and curious at the same time. I had never met anyone who was a homosexual! I surveyed the crowd and was happy to see some guys who were young like myself. But, there was also allot of "old men" as well. Then, this old guy started talking to me. At this time I was very shy, I really wanted him to leave me alone so I could have a chance to talk to one of the younger guys but I was too shy and polite to get rid of him. I ended up having to talk to him the whole night. I came back every Friday or Saturday night and the same thing always happened. What I did not know at the time was The Gas Station was really a "hustler bar" where young hustlers would go to get picked up by old men. Finally after going there for a few months I talked to one of the younger guys, who must have been a hustler; and having seen me there every weekend and realizing that I was not a hustler he suggested that I check out Menjo's. I did not know about Menjo's because it was not on Woodward and was way down six Mile Rd. So, Menjo's was my second gay bar, thank god! It was so much better than the Gas Station. (See my other post about Menjo's) I did return to The Gas Station on Tuesday nights because they had the "Wet jockey shorts" contest with lady T Tempest. This night drew in a large younger crowd that were not hustlers and it was fun. This was the only night that I would go to the Gas Station again. Friday and Saturday nights it was young hustlers and the old men who came to pick them up. Another strange phenomenon about The Gas Station was that it was located on the corner of a side street and Woodward Ave. The parking lot was behind the bar. Down this side street past the parking lot was something I have never seen before or since anywhere in Detroit. There were male prostitutes standing on the this side street waiting to guys to drive by and pick them up. I have never seen any place else since where there were male whores working on the street in Detroit. I'm not sure what year the Gas Station closed, it was torn down and there is a McDonald's there now. I could not find any pictures of the front of the bar facing Woodward? Please send me any pictures if you have them, interior or exterior. Also, on another note; there was an after hours club located above The Gas Station called "Heaven" (See my post about Heaven). If you have you own stories about The Gas Station, please post them. Also check out my other blog: motorgay.net

Also, I found this matchbook for the"7-Wood Bar" at the same address as The Gas Station. So, this is what was there before The Gas Station.


  1. The way the dancefloor was set up was kind of cool. It's hard for me to describe, but I'll try. You could enter the dancefloor from the main floor. It was surrounded by walls that went up to the peoples' upper chests on the second floor. You could walk up a few steps to the higher floor and watch the dancers or a drag or go-go show while leaning on the top of that wall.

    I also got propositioned by a hustler, although I was young. I forget what I said to him, but I politely turned down the offer.

    They had a tall black security guard watching the cars when I used to go there.

    I was tipping and talking to him when a Mexican guy from the bar stopped his car. He rolled down the window and yelled, "Stick to your own race!" I just looked at the guard and rolled my eyes, as if to say, "What an idiot".

  2. I wonder what this bar was called in 1977? A non fiction book I read referred to it as the Pony Cart lounge, does this ring a bell for anyone? It became a meeting spot for an informant and Task Force investigators. The meeting however went awry and nothing ever came of it. Today I wonder if Allen (the informant)or Frank, or any of his friends might be reading this and maybe might want to tell the story they have been holding back for so many years.

    1. It was the Gas Station in 1977. However there were plenty of informants and undercover cops at the Gas Station. At one time they were investigating some Gas Station Patrons as being involved with the Oakland County Child Killer.

    2. Before it opened up as a gay bar, it was called the Dragon Lady Lounge.

  3. Hello,I went there alot,I was a royal oak suburban kid.I was a regular through most the early 80's.I was let in even though I was under age,as long as I had the money to get in I got through admission there and all gay bars in Detroit.The Gas Station was the one that my crowd frequented most.They had after hours through the other door on weekends,2 for 1 nights wed.s too.I mostly hung out up on the ramb opposite side the dancefloor from the pooltable & bathrooms.The place was a trip looking back now on my mispent youth.I also had not crossed 9 mile or been anywhere in Detroit.I could go on& on about my insane experiances as a kid. I went to Mengo's,The cafe Gigi's and the other on(much classier) one down 7 mile,by I75,which I can't think of the name of at the moment.I could go on&on,like when to the Gas Station there was a Leather biker bar between the store & the Gas Station,which was taboo for my crowd,it supposedly was a pitch dark orgy inside.It closed down soon after we went down there.Also the Back Stage Resturant was in the same buildings but facing out 7 mile.,It later moved down Woodward.We were frequenters of that square of that block of buildings.We knew all the waiters,the manager,etc.
    I won't add more detials on those experiances of the years spent down there although it would be nice to chat with someone who went through the same experiances I did.My email address is-MalteseDreams@gmail.com

    1. What was the leather bar called that you’re talking about? I can’t remember. I used to go there all the time before I turned 21. The one opening bartender was a neighbor of mine (I didn’t know at the time) and I would get there every night before they opened and he’d let me in while he was stocking and cutting limes. He was a shorter guy, dark hair, mustache. I tricked with him once at his house. Very shy in bed. Nice sweet guy. The orgy room there was scary. All the times I went there I only went in once. A bunch of hands grabbing in a pitch black room. I like to see what I’m getting:)

    2. The R amd R was the leather bar

  4. I forgot to add they had a lot of really great shows & contests.Also my experiances in the co-ed bathroom were a trip.The groopners at closing time,last hour before last hour.I wonder what happened to the manager(name slips my mind at the moment),the bartender&waiter,Teddy & Freddie....

    1. What ever happened to the big blonde guy at the door(cover charge) who also worked at the Town Pump? I think his name was Dale. And waiter...Michael from Kensington,Mi

    2. Dennis was door mans name

  5. I thought of the name of the one that used to be on 7mi. just a few blk.s short of I-75,I noticed it's not listed under your links to the right it was-The Aruba.We also went to the Goldcoast,when they had special events.But as I said mostly it the Gas Station.And a addional comment on the decor,the Dancefloor main wall was covered with hubcaps below a mirrored area.There was also a tire air pump,non-working of course.Just wanted to add those comments.

    1. Aruba was my first bar a friend told me about it thats where he always wentit was next to the fire staion just west of john r and on the corner of 7 and john r was the womens bar it was called 51 west it is a coney island now. and at the end of the night when the bat would close i got to stay i was friends of the bar tendr and the owner like me i lived by 8 and john r so i would walk down john r to aruba 1 night i went there and it was closed even thou i was goin to the gas station aruba was my favorite then the gas station was my hang out i lived at 8 and woodard by the fair grounds. and i was at haven on opening night

  6. Any one know what ever happend to Lady T Tempest

    1. Lady T alive and well living in Royal Oak Michigan

  7. The Gas Station Bar (along with club Heaven, The Backstage Deli, and Gigi's) is mentioned in the novel "Drama Queers" by Frank Anthony Polito. The story takes place in the Detroit suburb of Hazel Park during the 80's. There's even a mention of the local drag queen at The Gas Station, named 'Lady Z. Zephyr', which is probably a pseudonym for the real-life Lady T. Tempest. Thought I'd share this info. jabo61588@yahoo.com

    1. Thanks for spreading the word about my novel! Yes, the Gas Station was the first gay bar I ever went to with my gay best friend back when we were 16 years old. I was terrified, at the time, but have fond memories looking back. For more info on DRAMA QUEERS! and my other books, all set in Metro Detroit, check out www.frankanthonypolito.com

    2. I was 16 back in 1985 going there.. I was remembering the place and did a Google search and found this. Loved dancing after hours upstairs at Heaven.. One I went with a friend and his moms car and came out to a snow storm and drove back to Troy all drunk. Doing 5mph

  8. Yes sir. Miss LADY T. TEMPEST. She'd get down on that floor in he momma's dress and high heels and do push ups while singing "You've come a long way from St LOU-IEEE, You've come a long way from St LOU-IEEEE but you still have a long, long way to go" You would needed to see her - that chubby girl with the bad makeup and stelleto heels doing push ups. Now that was REAL DETROIT TALENT, baby!

  9. it was in the early 1991 i grew up in toronto and met a guy in hael park we dated for a bit but then became friends.. he introduced me to the gas station on woodward and 7 mile!!! it was a a trip,,, i met Lady T Tempest and she took us under her wing!!! what a Queen bee!!!! then it became a ritual driving from toronto every tuesday afternoon to grab the hottest tuesday show that detroit hd to offer!!! but it was Lady T that had my attention!!! it lasted 1.5 years!!! it was a good time in my life to be part of that !!! along with Nikki Stevens Nikki Chase and alot of other drag girls !I ve always wondered what that Lady T is up to!!!

  10. I knew this outrageous queen named Larry Bohannan who was one of the bartenders when the Gas Station first opened. He & I used to be room mates at the old Green Carnation Gay Community Center on Forrest & 4th St near WSU.

    I think it opened around 1983 & I remember this because I liked going to Tubes, which was across the ally) to watch music videos. This was the first time I ever heard/saw the Eurythmics video for Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This).

    1. I remember Larry from Tiffianys. Larry was a DJ there. I loved the music he would mix. He used to give me tapes. Anyone know what ever happened to him.

    2. I am still alive and kicking! After the wide sweep of drug raids on most of Detroit's gay bars in 1999 I decided it was time hit the slow lane and moved to the west side after Tiffany's on the Park closed for good. I design T-shirts and Hoodies and do Movie Promotions with the Redford Theatre on Lasher near Grand River Avenue.It is an all volunteer non-profit retro movie house. The place is teeming with talented homos who help keep the place jumping! They have great old movies like "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" and "Sunset Blvd." Movies are only $4 and the most expensive candy is only $1.50 !!! The place is FABULOUS !!! If anyone wants to catch up on "Old Times" I am on Facebook - Friend Me & we can dish!

    3. I spent a Thursday night before Halloween at Tiffany's one year, on a throne wearing a dragon mask. People could sit on my lap and get their pictures taken, It was not a busy night and the mask was cutting into my neck but Duct tape and a little Cocktail made everything better.

  11. Oh my goodness.....where has the time gone. I am 53 years old and spent many a night in that neighborhood. Mostly at the Aruba...Sammy the owner....Mary the girl at the door/coat check....the cozy couches....oh how I miss it....

  12. The first story above sounds just a little to much like mine. EXCEPT the year was 1987, I was 16 when a 27 year old that I had met @ dunken doughnuts (7mile & middlebelt) @ 1:00am took me. I got in... no problem. He ordered me a rum & coke, we danced,laughed & was having fun, UNTIL I bumped into my 53 year old 4th period english teacher on the dance floor with an "will say 18yr old" I freaked & left (I was not out yet) but all ended well! I received an A in the class. My mom thought it odd being I was a C & D kind of student. She thought I cheated some how? Now she knows. Thanks Eric W. from the Race track for a wonderful night. It's true what they say about men who work with horse's... Their not intimidated by them. At least Eric had NO reason to be! All because of the bar. 24 years later I have great memories.

    1. I hooked up with a guy from the racetrack in about 1981. There was him and me, my friend and some other guy and we went to a hotel. The strange part was the horse guy was married to a unattractive heavy set short woman who was there also. She slept on the bed and the 4 of us used the floor. Strange, but I was young.

    2. Was his name Eric by chance???

  13. Who was the sexy, skinny dark-haired mustached waiter there? Is he still around? Who was the heavy bleach blonde lady at the door who took $$ from the patrons. xo

    1. Her name was Jenny , I don`t know what ever happen to her . Awesome memories at the Gas Station , I used to hang out there with a heavy set black girl named Rosie .

    2. Hello, Rosie was my best friend, My name is Scott, Some people used to call me by my nick name Dante, Sorry to say Rosie is no longer with us she passed away in 2000, 10-12-2000 , She died from cervical cancer. We spent many of times there that was our main hangout. I so miss the 80`s best days of my life. I had Rosie buried at Scared Heart Cemetery on Martin rd. and Gratiot Ave in Roseville MI where she was laid to rest, Her name was Edwina Rose Aikens, I also put Rosie underneath her name on her tomb stone because everybody new her as Rosie, Please pass this information on, When she died and passed away I tried to do my best in contacting everybody but Im sure there`s still a lot of people still out there that don't even know, Rosie was very popular and had a lot of friends. The girl could sing her heart off, Always full with a jolly laughter and was a magnet to everybody, She always drew an audience around her. I will forever love and miss Rosie dearly. R.I.P. Rosie until we meet again, You were truly loved by everyone.

  14. WOW, I could write a book about this place. Seems alot of us spent many hours sitting in the parking lot trying to find the courage to enter this club formaly (The Dragon Lady) opened in 1974 or 1975 by Perter Meli (he later dropped the i when he moved the Back Stage Deli) Yes a hustler bar but so much more, for many a home.

    a few answers...

    They had a tall black security guard watching the cars when I used to go there. (Sam Parthon)

    I wonder what happened to the manager(name slips my mind at the moment),the bartender&waiter,Teddy & Freddie....
    (Managers... Dennis Lamparski, Mike Hojara, Bill Pearce or Guy C.)
    (Teddy seemed to have vanished around 1983 and I hear Freddie still haunts Royal Oak)

    Any one know what ever happend to Lady T Tempest
    (stopped entertaining in the 90's)

    I knew this outrageous queen named Larry Bohannan who was one of the bartenders when the Gas Station first opened.
    (also one if not the frist DJ at the GS is doing well still in Detroit and still in LTR with Paul M.) oh and still Outrageous!

    Who was the sexy, skinny dark-haired mustached waiter there? Is he still around?
    (there were so many lol)

    Who was the heavy bleach blonde lady at the door who took $$ from the patrons
    (Jenny H., last time we spoke she was working @ The Woodward Bar)

    Good times, Bad times & lucky to be alive!
    Mark B.

    many of the GS deco now grace the walls in my barn.

    1. Who was the sexy, skinny dark-haired mustached waiter there? Is he still around?

      That might have been my ex bf, Tom, who i met through Quack (Tom), i think Tom and i went out for about year and half, i do remember spending a christmas with him, he might have been waiting tables while he was in school at MCC, his work (EDS) moved him to Texas last i know, that was mid 90's.

    2. I knew Tom very well. And yes EdS moved him to Texas in the 90's .he also drove a limo to put himself through school..

  15. WOW I remember well!!!!! All I can say is that Ive gotten my tank feeled up there several times and I dont mean with with gas!!!!!

  16. I was the DJ at the Gas Station in 79 and 80, in fact I worked New Year's Eve and "brought in" the 80's there!

    I worked Wednesday, which was 2-for-1 night, and Fridays and Saturdays we were open till 4am.

    I eventually got fired for playing too much rock music like B52's, Blondie and Devo.

    I also knew Larry Bohannan and I'd love to find him again.

    I also remember seeing undercover cops walk right up to the cash register and take money out. The cops had after-hours private parties and we'd come in the next day to find bullet holes in the wall of hubcaps.

    Mark Kliem (info@lavenderlounge.com)

    1. Yes Mark, I remember a time that you decided to take a risk & play "Horses (Land)" by Patti Smith right as after hours was commencing. The entire room went dead silent and no one moved. Suddenly someone screamed "It's Patti ! !!!!" and a hundred fairies went flying to the dance floor! Owner Peter Meli went from shock to visualizing the $$$$$ flowing to his cash register if we drew the punk & new music crowd into the club and decided right there to let you play what you wanted. It seems later he decided to play it safe and the club lost out on your great & wild music! You were the very 1st gay D.J. to play New Wave in the clubs and made history at the "Gas Station" when because of you the place became (once again) an overnight sensation. After you moved to San Francisco I loved your "Gay American Bandstand" dance show you promoted and hosted called "The Lavender Lounge". It was too wonderful how at the end of every show all the dancers and crew would gather together in a huddle and call out to all of the "gay boys & girls who are watching on T.V. >>> Were Here and Were Queer & were Dancing On T.V.!!!! Mark, you really made your "MARK" on our world with what you did to celebrate being wild,gay & in our faces! You Go! Mercury Marquis!

    2. I was a regular at the gas station. I guess you would have called me a f** hag. I used to drive the DJ home on occasions to the area of 14 in Campbell. was this you or another DJ?

    3. I think you are talking about Mark Bilodeau or else DJ Keith Wilson.

  17. @ Mark you can find Larry on FB, Bullet holes in the hub caps LOL those were the days!

    Mark B.

    1. are you the mark "b" that was a bartender there with black hair a dated a tall guy with curly blond hair?

    2. yup, and still am!

  18. This place was a real treat: rich men, hustlers, drag queens, dealers, gamblers, and a loyal, tight knit happy hour gang. Though some have passed or moved to warmer climates, your best bet for seeing any of the old happy hour guys is at Danny's in Ferndale.

  19. The Gas Station was a fun place. I came out at this Club in 1986 and had some good times and met some fun people.I especially liked Tuesday nights with the Wet Jockey Short contest with M/C Lady T. The music venue was ok as well, with DJ's Neil and Kenny at the turntables. My friend Kenny RIP. My friend Neil(fellow CMU alumni), maybe we will run into each other someday.

  20. One of my first ever gay bar experiences was a Tuesday night at the Gas Station with Lady T Tempest doing the wet jocky contest. I was just 18, and so I talked my way into the bar with Jenny working the door. Back then you could get into bars at 18 and they would stamp your hand. But if you didn't have a stamp you could drink. SO that was always the preferred method was to just talk your way in. The bartenders never questioned - I think they just served anyone. I tipped them well and on my next visit the bartender vouched for my age. Good times. I remember dancing (or sobering up) at Heaven. Somewhere in an old phonebook, I still have a ticket for free admission. I think it was later that year that tubes opened up across the alley. I spent a lot of time there - found my first boyfriend there. And also hung out down at Goldcoast (Saw some frightening drag shows and go go boys). Always thought it was strange they had valet parking in that tiny fenced in parking lot. Another place that I was never carded in. I heard the owner Bruce (who used to wear all those gold rings on his fingers) was later found in an alley. They cut his fingers off to get the rings. I used to mail those little gay magazines that you could pick up for free to my friends. One of them still has a couple copies I sent when Divine came to Detroit and also Grace Jones. Chevy's was another gay dive I spent a lot of time in. Did my first drag show there in 1986 (with Eunice Alexander and Hummin' Helen) and we were busted by Detroit Vice after the show as the manageer Andre didn't obtain a performers license for us. The bartender Garry was one of my dear friends and drag mother. He performed as Miss Lolittle Balls back then. So many great memories. I was devestated to go back in 2008 and see that the Gas Station had burned down and had a McDonald's in it's place. Many of my other "haunts" are gone as well. The Deck was abandoned and burned out looking. Not many people left who remember to keep those memories alive.

  21. Anyone remember Tom Wright, a 50s-something regular at the Gas Station,in the mid 90s? He held court at the end of the bar near the entrance with other troll regulars. He was known as "Quack," and had a larger-than-life peersonality He was well known for frequently yelling out great phrases such as "AHHH FUHCK!!!,' "HAWRIGHT, BUTCH IT UP," and when an occasional woman entered the bar, " I SMELL A YEAST INFECTION!" (He felt that straight women didn't belong in a gay bar)

    Tom loved the twinks and hustlers (often one and the same),and not only plied them with drinks, but cheap promo gifts from the tobacco company coupons, such as tee shirts, baseball caps, and cigarette lighters.

    Quack was continuously able to often bring back several twinks back to his Dearborn home, and wouuld have orgies with them 'til dawn. A 2-3 pack a day smoker (Raliegh unfiltereds), Tom developed emphasema in the mid 90s, and, sadly passed away from the disease, in 2008.

    1. yes i remember quack - he was a character. he used to hold court at the end of the bar with bill pierce and guy creasey, the managers. i used to be a regular there in the 90s. i used to love the hustlers - i remember david who had scars on his wrist - one cute boy who ultimately was killed. a few others are now in prison - bill pierces boy robby - http://mdocweb.state.mi.us/otis2/otis2profile.aspx?mdocNumber=285471
      and guy creaseys boy mark -
      anyone remember bobski - he used to drink jack daniels and was always there. i'd love to talk to someone about the good old days. the only bar i found that came close to the gas station was kikiki in tampa florida

    2. Bobski, still drinking JD lol

    3. yes, i remember the ole man, Quack, i was one of those twinks (not exactly at 25) that was invited back to the house, if i remember, at least one orgie..LOL, although i was not a hustler, i was newly out of the closet and GS was one of my first bars. I think i even had dinner once at Toms Dearbon house, no sex though, we became friends. I do remember he liked Rush Limbaugh, now a days, that would be poo-poo cause we all know now what a bigot that man is. I met my first boyfriend at GS named Tom (dark hair, mustache) who was also a friend of Quacks. I think after a couple years, bf Tom moved to Texas, last I saw of him. After GS closed Quack would hang out at the Male Box with his oxygen tank next to him. I moved out of state and lost touch with him. Sorry to hear that he passed. As a skinny newbee and "fresh meat", i did the Tuesday underwear contest one night, stood in a kiddie pool while the drag queen sprayed cold water from a bottle and made your undies see thru, i didnt win, but it was fun as it was all new to me being out amongst all the other homos, it took me a while to figure out that this was a hustler bar, i guess i looked like i could be one, but i didnt know any better, good memories!

    4. I, too, was a friend of Quack. I was at an orgy at his house on night, after the bar closed, and there was 6 or 7 twink types there. Tom was doing his favorite in his bedroom, while the rest of us played heavily on the couch.

      Quack also had a cute sexy regular twink buddy named Mike Jordan, who was over to his house 3 or 4 times a week. The twinks all loved Quack because he was willing to really listen to them, without being too judgemental, as well as keeping them supplied with Marlboro T-shirts and baseball caps.

      I think I remember your BF named Tom. Was he a rather short guy (about 5'7 to 5'9"), with a twangy Texas accent? The guy I remember was nick-named "Texas Tom" by Quack. He had a moustache and shaggy brown hair. "Texas Tom" was always hustling up twinks, at the Gas Station and the R&R, for a short time, and when he was finished with them, he introduced them to Quack. He was only in town for a couple of months, before leaving, I think, back to Texas.

    5. Remember him? He is the most sexual person I have ever me. I would love to have drinks or dinner and chat about him. I was 18 when I met him, but he never really treated me like the true sexual scumbag he was. I kept in touch with him until he died from esophageal cancer about 10 years ago.Aw Fuck! I've done him. ep, these are some of his many lines.

    6. You are one of the only people I have ever come across with such insider information. The tobacco coupons? I used to help him get carton labels!!! {lease send me an email! gaydotcom28@yahoo.com

  22. Quack used to regale me with stories of the goings-on in the GS, such as the time a red haired twink gave BJs to over 25-30 guys, one evening, one after another, in the private restroom near the pool table.

    Also, there was a psychotic, chubby, chicken hawk dude, known to many as "Father John," who often appeared at the GS in a Catholic priest's all-black, roman collared street garb. John, was not, of course, a priest, but was a funeral director, who was nutty enough to tell shocking stories of debauchery with twinks and "altar boys" while at his home residence.

  23. I used to go there in the 80's when I was just 14 years old and hung around til I was 19 and finally moved on from that scene. Had alot of fun and crazy times there. I was only carted once in all of the years that I went there and always had a drink in my hand-no one cared. I was bullied as a kid and felt like myself there-no one judged me or made fun of me. I remembered Jenny at the door-Tuesday was the Wet jockey short contest. I used to hang out on the cheezy neon steps(there were 3) and check out the guys there, looking for freinds and lovers. Anyone want to talk 80's talk let me know-I always smile when I think of the good old days.

    1. id love to talk to you. i was there all the time - prolly saw you. havent found a bar that fun since. i still remember a lot of guys names.

    2. When did you hang out there? I cant remember the names of most people except for Jenny at the door-wonder what happened to her?

    3. i was there all the time in the late 80s and early 90s. the managers were named bill pierce and guy creasey. the owner was joe abdou. i dont know what happened to jenny.

    4. Today is Jennys birthday, Happy Birthday Jenny!
      She was working at the Woodward Bar last I heard.

    5. I won the wet jockey shorts contest on the one and only occasion I entered. The prizes included a membership to the TNT, a tanning membership of some sorts, and maybe free cover the to GS fro a period of time. What a sleezy place, but it does bring back some interesting memories. You can email me if you'd like: gaydotcom28@yahoo.com

  24. What is she doing there? Waitress or bartender? I drove by the Woodward a few weeks ago after the Madonna concert at Joe Lewis Arena. Doesnt look like they have security like they used to so I kept on going! She used to always look at me like I know your secret but I wont tell! Lol

    1. She was working the door, but that was several years ago.

  25. I did not know they had anyone at the door-they never used to. Andy is rolling in his grave! R.I.P.

  26. I wonder how many guys got a fuck or a BJ in the GS auxillary parking lot on the side street on the north side of the bar. The parking lot was extremely long and rather dark and creepy, just perfect for back-seat antics.

    1. I lived upstairs above that parking lot and BOY ncould I tell you stories! We used to have a squirt gun ready near the big picture window and when we saw hot dudes getting bjs in their car we would squirt them and they thought it was starting to rain! LOL. Those wew the days!

  27. Alot I can just imagine! That far off parking lot was dark and creepy. And security rarely went back there-they knew what was going on. Looking back I cant believe some of the things I did. It all seems like a crazy fun dream. But I am glad I did it while I was young I can never imagine doing some of the stuff I did back then!

  28. all my best memories revolve around this bar. I was in high school at the time and I would go with my friends and just when the bar got started around 10 o'clock my friends would have to leave because they had a curfew. I would hide on them because I didn't want to leave.lol. needless to say I had to walk home quite a few times and I lived at 12 mile and Coolidge. being 1 of the few girls that hung out there I just wanted to say thank you to all the guys that accepted me into their
    bar. so many memories a lot good some bad . if anybody remembers this crazy redhead give me a holler!!

  29. It is so funny that the old Gas Station is now a McDonalds! Lol Hi Cindy! I probably talked to you back im the day. I am so out of the bar scene. I used to know what bars were hot on which night. Gigis-Monday, Gas Station Tuesdays...etc...I dont even know if they have a picnic! Do they?

  30. I I don't know about the picnic but I can ask people at work. the last time I went to the gas station I had to pull my gun on several black males just to be able to get into my car. I never went back after that :-(. I don't think the bars are the same now as they were back then. we were lucky to have so much fun and thank God we stayed alive. I remember I was 19 and my friend was 15 and we went to a man's apartment in Palmer Park for cocktails . when we arrived the man said he was going to the store to buy the alcoho. after he left we got nervous so we were going to leave but soon realize still no door handles to get out we were locked in like prisoners. so I jumped out the second story window and got my friend out too. god knows what that man has in store for us. oh there so many more stories I could tell. but all in all this was still the best time of my life

    1. That is so funny! We would get ourselves into the same crazy trouble! One guy I met drove to his house and he told me to wait in the car while he went in to do something. So after he went in I looked in the window and he was unlocking the basement door. I dont know what was down there but I started running to Woodward! lol They were the best years of my life too-I would never do those things again but I am glad I did and have all of the memories in my mind. I always smile when I think about it. Great crazy times!

    2. The memories live on! There was a strange sense of community among all of underaged kids there. I miss a lot of people that I used to run into all the time. A friend dragged me to a guy's house with a similar situation. Something was not right and we left as well. Mark I am sure you were one of the people I remember. I believe you were friends with someone from Ypsilanti (where we used to trek to the clubs from)... Best times of my life but I like the quiet life now. Brad here btw.

    3. yes I went to the Gas Station.. too it was my first gay bar as well I was 16 the very first time we went....so many memories grew from that place then I moved away only to come home and it was Gone I mean gone no traces:-( I remember one time me and my friend walked to the bar cause we couldn't get a ride from ten mile and Southfield....Does anyone remember the Aruba on seven mile or for that matter Incognito?
      More so on Woodward Tiffany's on the park, Backstage-footlights

  31. I I don't know about the picnic but I can ask people at work. the last time I went to the gas station I had to pull my gun on several black males just to be able to get into my car. I never went back after that :-(. I don't think the bars are the same now as they were back then. we were lucky to have so much fun and thank God we stayed alive. I remember I was 19 and my friend was 15 and we went to a man's apartment in Palmer Park for cocktails . when we arrived the man said he was going to the store to buy the alcoho. after he left we got nervous so we were going to leave but soon realize still no door handles to get out we were locked in like prisoners. so I jumped out the second story window and got my friend out too. god knows what that man has in store for us. oh there so many more stories I could tell. but all in all this was still the best time of my life

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  34. I am thinking of writing a book on my adventures as an underage kid living in the 80's in the gay bars, picnics and any other gay place a kid was not supposed to be. Hanging out with adults, Prostitutes and Pedophiles. I wonder if anyone would read it?

    1. I would definitely read it! The current gay bars are Hayloft, Menjos, Gigis, Adams Apple, Gold Coast, Malebox, the list goes on...but it really sounds like the old days were awesome.

  35. I went there in the late 80s and befriended some very nice regular patrons. Some of the regulars I remember was a wonderful couple named Frank and Jerry, a gentleman named Robert who was affectionately known as Roberta. Also very handsome guy named Gordon. My name is Ed and I used to dance my ass off on that dance floor. They used to have a wonderful DJ whose name I cannot remember unfortunately. Overall I had a lot of fun there despite a very scary neighborhood.

    1. Gordon was such a sweetie. I spent about 8 years as DJ there. My last Club I DJ'd at was Tiffany's on the Park. Glorious times.

  36. Are there any hustler bars left in the Detroit area? May be I town for Fast Lane bowl game - would make the trip if any white dudes were available.

  37. You dudes were so lucky to be around then. Hustler bars sound like heaven to me. Fuck all the online shit.

  38. I loved the Gas Station. I am a bisexual female and would go with my male best friend between 1866-88 I believe. We also would go to Heaven after hours. We went on Tuesdays to watch Tempest. My favorite gay bar was Backstreet on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

    1. About what year were you there I used to hang out there I think somewhere around 1989 and 1992 I am also a female there wasn't very many of us just wonderi
      ng if we ever cross paths

  39. I remember Quack and frequented the gas station in the 80’s also. I married one of the hustlers that hung out behind the bar and danced at the cold coast, little Robbie Phillips. Remember when Bruce Detloft was found in Sherwood Forest tied to a chair with his fingers cut off and one bullet to the head. I remember Big Dick David the hustler, and Hoola hips David Honeycutt. I also lived with Lady T and Her room mate the drag queen from NY, I also remember a hustler named sweat pea and live with a half sex change named Lisa just north of 8 mile. I was also the manager of Hungry Howies near 9 and Woodward. I miss those days!!

    1. Remember Scott Clark

    2. Made a big impression over the course of a few hot summers in my early teen years.

  40. I remember Dante and Rosie. I use to go there all the time. A man known as BJ Dan use to take me.

  41. Gas station was my first day bar went many times for wet jockey short contest,eve e entered and won once, mainly went on the weekend. Before that and internet I remember meeting people through ads in metro times. And on the party line's, then we judged by voice and description and hoped for the best. Second bar was the Back pocket on Green Field many fun days at both

    1. Oh my name if anyone wants to know is Gary gas station was 1987 back pocket 1988

  42. How can we revive this discussion group? I miss it so

  43. I worked at the gas station as a waiter in fall of 1983 through winter 1984. It was just before aids started spreading, the end of innocence in so many ways, moved out of state then moved back in 1987 and the place was ravaged although Heaven was cool but crack and aids were taking over the world then. I miss the pre aids culture so bad

  44. Miss you all, I’ll check back soon to see if anyone wants to chat and hug 😁❤️
